Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A work day

I went to the main office for Baruch today, to find out details about the one-day seminar they had asked me to do. I had been asked to do a full-day seminar on employee motivation during economic hard times, and had the seminar almost all put together. Baruch in Singapore is starting to do these seminars to help increase the awareness of the program among managers in the city. I was stopping in just to find out where to go Thursday morning, and how many people I should be planning for.
Well, apparently there was some miscommunication -- they had been waiting for some information from me that I was not aware they needed, and so consequently there had never been any publicity about the seminar, and so there will be no seminar. This was the first I had heard of any problem. It's a little frustrating, because I had made decisions about travel and activities while I am here based on the assumption that I needed to be ready to go for Thursday morning. I agreed to do an open house on Thursday evening because I knew I'd be around during the day on Thursday. Now, though, I don't teach again until Friday evening, and I might have not done the open house and had more leeway to travel a bit. So I am a little frustrated (not to mention that I'm out the money I would have earned for doing the seminar). As I said to Heather, grrrrrr.
So I wasn't in much mood to go exploring today, so I stayed in the room and got some work done. I'll have more time than I had planned to go exploring in the city, so it was ok to just hang here for a while. But now I am ready to head out, and I think that I'll head down to Boat Quay, and do something very Singaporean -- go to Molly Malone's, the oldest Irish Pub in Singapore. Should be a fun place to hang out, have dinner, and enjoy the evening. I'll let you know how it goes!

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