Friday, July 17, 2009

Class is going well

Class started yesterday evening, and it seems like a good bunch of folks. We had some excellent conversation around challenges they are facing in staffing their organizations, and I think it will be a good class. Not much else going on yesterday -- mostly reviewing notes for class, and working on the 1-day seminar I will be doing next Thursday.

I did get reservations made for a trip on Monday-Wednesday to Pulau Tioman, and island in Malaysia where the snorkeling is supposed to be really good. Very isolated, and by all accounts little cell phone and likely no Internet access. So if you don't hear from me for a couple of days, that's why. I still have to work out the travel to the island, but think that should work out today. If not, I'll find something else to do!

Class starts in just a few moments, so I need to get in and get set up. Other than getting here, not much adventure so far -- just teaching!

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